Бөтә яңылыҡтар

«Pygmalion» by George Bernard Shaw

(Урок по пьесе «Пигмалион» Бернарда Шоу)

Использование художественных произведений на уроках иностранного языка способствует формированию эстетического вкуса учащихся, углублению их знаний по языку и страноведению, развитию творческого мышления, создаёт условия для социального и культурного самоопределения, способствует раскрытию индивидуальных способностей обу­чающегося, поскольку возрастает «удельный вес» работы с художественным текстом, дальнейшему развитию речевых навыков и умений.

В рамках изучения раздела «All the world’s a stage» («Клубы по интересам в летнем международном лагере») по учебнику «Happy English.ru» авторов К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман учащимся рекомендуется:

1) подобрать в качестве индивидуального домашнего задания материал по биографии писателя, основным произведениям, аудио- и видеоматериал, представить материал в форме презентации;

2) прочитать пьесу Бернарда Шоу «Пигмалион» на русском языке;

3) прочитать отрывки из пьесы на английском языке;

4) посмотреть фильм-мюзикл «My Fair Lady», основанный на «Пигмалион»е, в оригинале с субтитрами.

Цели. Обобщение знаний по творчеству Б. Шоу; представление (презентация) проектной работы по пьесе «Пигмалион»; развитие языковых, интеллектуальных (память, эмоции) и ар­тис­тических способностей.

Задачи. 1. Совершенствовать навыки монологической речи по теме «The biography of Bernard Shaw». 2. Учить работать над словом: анализировать его слово­образовательный состав, сочетаемость с другими словами. 3. Совершенствовать навыки чтения, обсуждения прочитанного. 4. Содействовать поддержанию мотивации через творческие задания.

I. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя.

Teacher (T): Good morning, students and dear guests! Welcome to our literary lesson! Throughout the school year we have been studying English literature and now it’s high time to devote our lesson to one of the most fascinating English playwrights George Bernard Shaw. I think the 10th form students took pleasure in getting to know the biography, works of Shaw in Russian and in English and in staging a short extract from Act II of «Pygmalion». Today they are ready to perform their project.

II. Warming-up.

Let’s start with a short competition. I will give you 12 cards. Here you need to compose the titles of well-known books of the fragments that are given in each card and match them with their authors. Try to do it correctly and as quickly as possible. Let me know when you are ready. Let’s see how you succeeded.

1. «A retrieved Reformation» by O.Henry.

2. «The Stockbroker’s clerk» by Arthur Conan Doyle.

3. «Three men in a boat: To say nothing of the dog» by Jerome K. Jerome.

4. «The Thorn Birds» by Colleen McCullough.

III. Проверка индивидуального домашнего задания. S1 подготовил сообщение, презентацию и кроссворд по биографии Б. Шоу (презентация прилагается).

S1: George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin, Ireland, on 26th July 1856. He attended several different schools, but did not enjoy his time at any of them. He believed that schools were like prisons, where children were kept in order to stop them from disturbing their parents.

After leaving school at sixteen, Shaw worked in an office in Dublin before moving to London.

Shaw started working on his first play, Widower’s Houses, in 1885. However, he gave up when a critic told him that he could not write plays. But by the 1910s, Shaw was known as a great playwright. He wrote 63 plays in his lifetime, including the famous Pygmalion. Shaw’s plays were funny, and he is remembered for his comedy, but his work also changed British theatre, making the stage a place where writers could comment on society.

Shaw expressed concern about spelling in the English language. He believed that words should be spelt the way they were pronounced, and when he died, he left money for a new phonemic alphabet to be created for the English language. At the time, there was not enough money to pay for work on the new alphabet, but later the Shavian alphabet became a reality.

He died on 2nd November, as the result of the injuries he suffered by falling while he was pruning trees. These days, the annual Shaw festival is held in Niagara-on-the- Lake, Ontario, where plays written by Shaw and other great writers are performed.

T: Listen very attentively and later you will have to do this crossword.

1D U B L I N

2N O V E L S

3P L A Y W R I G H T

4L O N D O N

5P Y G M A L I O N

6O N T A R I O

7D O O L I T T L E

8M U S E U M

9T H E A T R E

10S H A V I A N

11W I D O W E R' S H O U S E S

T: I believe you got very useful information about this great writer and hopefully you will need it at your Literature lessons too. (S1 – оценка.)

IV. T: And as English lessons we took an interest in «Pygmalion». While our actors and actresses are going to change, the other students are working at the blackboard.

Word formation.

S2: Galatea is so beautiful and realistic that the sculptor falls beauty in love with his own work. He is so much in love that he prays reality to Aphrodite to bring the statue to life and goddess grants his wish. Sculpt

This myth inspired hundreds of poets and playwrights and each of God

them had his or her own interpretation of the events. Interpret.

S3: There were different accents used on the British Isles, differ but only one variety was considered correct. Nowadays we know vary the Queen’s English or RP, short for «Received Pronunciation». Re­ceived in this expression means «received in the best society». Express RP was typically used by graduates of Cambridge and Oxford. Typical Although RP has lost its critical importance, accent still acts important as a class barrier.

Аnd some students are doing Reading task №11 Practice Test 11 (материал представлен со сборника «Practice Exam Papers for the Russian National State Exam», авт. О.В. Афанасьева, В. Эванс, В.В. Копылова, изд. Express Publishing / «Просвещение», 2010).

S4, S5: George Bernard Shaw was a famous playwright who was born in Dublin, Ireland, on the 26th July 1856. George attended several different schools as a child,

1) … .

He believed that schools were like prisons, where children were kept so that they wouldn’t disturb their parents. After leaving school at sixteen, Shaw worked in an office in Dublin before moving to London to live with his mother, who was a singer.

2) … .

Shaw eventually decided that he would like to become a writer and soon began writing articles for newspapers.

In 1879, Shaw started writing novels. However, he was unable to find a publisher who was willing to publish his work and so he gave up novel writing in 1883. It was only in 1885, when Shaw got a job as an art and literature critic.

3) … .

Widower’s Houses was first performed on December 9, 1892, at London’s Royalty Theatre. Shaw was not happy with the play,

4) … .

By the 1910s, Shaw was known as a great playwright. During his lifetime, he wrote 63 plays ,including the famous Pygmalion. Shaw is best remembered for his comedy, but his work also helped change the face of the British theatre.

5) … . During his later years, Shaw enjoyed working in the garden of his home in Hertfordshire. By the time he died, Shaw was a household name in Britain. Today, his work is popular all over the world.

A which became a place where writers could comment on society B where place written by Shaw and other writers are performed C that he finally started earning decent money for his writing D but he had discovered that he enjoyed writing plays far more than novels E where he read and studied a lot F but he did not enjoy his time at any of them

G and he eventually completed it in 1892.

V. Watching the extracts of the films.

T: Before our students perform their project, I’d like to offer you the extracts from «My Fair Lady» in English and «Пигмалион» in Russian. Watch and take pleasure!

VI. Acting out (SB pp. 223 – 225).

T: The culmination point of our lesson.

Main parts in our school play (from left to right).

1) The flower girl – Eliza Doolittle.

2) The housekeeper – Mrs Pearce.

3) Colonel Pickering.

4) The professor of phonetics – Henry Higgins.

5) The author.

VII. Вручение грамот за участие в проекте. Организованное окончание урока.

А.К. Сальманова,

учитель средней школы №2 г. Туймазы

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