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«Э. Хемингуэй. Дождь. Кошка». Опыт литературоведческого анализа в Х классе

Lesson Scenario
“Ernest Hemingway. The rain. The cat”
(Literary analysis)
PART I – Emma E. Safiullina
I. Emotional Intelligence. (Slides 3 – 7.)
– Since 1999 the Three scholars have developed their perception of EQ (EI) and it has grown into the ability of 4 main acts.
– Verbal Intelligence – a mental ability to reason verbal information, to enhance thought.
– Spatial Intelligence – a mental ability to reason spatial information, to enhance thought
– The 4 Branch Model of EQ. (Slide 8.)
1. Perceiving Emotions.
2. Using Emotions to Facilitate Thought.
3. Understanding Emotions.
4. Managing Emotions.
An Emotionally Intelligent Person can:
– perceive emotions;
– use emotions in thoughts;
– understand meanings of emotions;
– manage emotions;
– solve emotional problems with less cognitive effort;
– be higher in verbal, social and other intelligences. (Slide 9.)
– Common Features of an EIP – the cloud. (Slides 10 – 11.)
– Emotional information is crucial.
– Managing emotions lets a person per­form certain tasks very well.
– EI is important because… (Slides 12 – 14.)
1. establishing positive social relationship
2. avoiding conflicts
3. understanding psychologically healthy living
4. providing coaching advice
5. involving themselves in assisting others
6. leaving together with greater harmony and satisfaction
– EI as a Part of Personality. (Slide 15.)
– Is a part of human personality, per­sonality provides contexts where EQ cooperates.
– Is a mental ability which enhances thought.
PART II – Emma E. Safiullina
II. Developing EQ through reading.
“Ernest Hemingway.The rain. The cat.” (Slide 16.)
1. Lesson goals and aims:
– to develop EQ in the students via reading high quality books;
– to develop and improve the knowledge of text analysis;
– to improve and maintain speaking skills.
2. The video. The Lost Generation of the First World War (War Horse). (Slide 17.)
– Watch this episode and express the feelings they depict.
– Share the information you received through this episode.
– How do you feel about this historical period?
3. The History and historical background. (Slide 18.)
– Reading the map lets us perceive the information relevant to the topic of the lesson.
– Express your guesses and the reference to the topic of the lesson: why does World War I matter in the context?
World War I, originally called the Great War, resulted in more than nine million deaths. The official starting point was the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, However, this was simply the spark that lit imperial tensions and complex alliances creating two opposing political forces in Europe: the Allies and the Central Powers.
In the aftermath of the war there arose a group of young people known as the “Lost Generation”. The term was coined from something Gertrude Stein witnessed the owner of a garage saying to his young employee, which Hemingway later used as an epigraph to his novel The Sun Also Rises (1926): “You are all a lost generation”. This accusation referred to the lack of purpose or drive resulting from the horrific disillusionment felt by those who grew up and lived through the war, and were then in their twenties and thirties. Having seen pointless death on such a huge scale, many lost faith in traditional values like courage, patriotism, and masculinity. Some in turn became aimless, reckless, and focused on material wealth, unable to believe in abstract ideals.
In literature, the “Lost Generation” refers to a group of writers and poets who were men and women of this period. All were American, but several members emigrated to Europe. The most famous members were Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and T.S. Eliot.
4. Ernest Hemingway. (Slide 19.)
– How much do you actually know about this author?
Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American journalist, novelist, short – story writer, and sportsman. His economical and understated style — which he termed the iceberg theory — had a strong influence on 20th century fiction, while his adventurous lifestyle and his public image brought him admiration from later generations. Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid – 1920s and the mid – 1950s, and he won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels, six short – story collections, and two nonfiction works. Three of his novels, four short – story collections, and three nonfiction works were published posthumously. Many of his works are considered classics of American literature.
– Let’s have a flashback and hear some bits from an interview with Ernest Hemingway.
(Vadim and Karina – a sketch – a dialogue between Ernest Hemingway and a jounalist.)
– Hemingway first published “Cat in the Rain” in 1925 as part of a short story collection, In Our Time. He wrote it while living in Paris with his first wife, Hadley, but the story’s setting in the small Italian town was clearly influenced by his time in Italy as a Red Cross worker during World War I.
5. Русский язык – Елена Игоревна Козлова. (Slides 20 – 21.)
– Ваше впечатление от рассказа?
Работа в группах. Учащиеся описывают прилагательными свои ощущения. Другая группа создает цветовые пятна. Все это происходит на фоне музыки «Звук дождя».
– А что вызвало именно такие чувства?
Принцип подтекста.
– Хемингуэй говорил, что «я научился говорить простым языком о простых вещах».
У писателя, особенно в раннем творчестве, в рассказе очень простая, ничем не примечательная фабула. Но использованные детали, синтаксические средства выразительности позволяют говорить о подтексте, или так называемом принципе айсберга. На поверхности очень простые события:
– муж и жена в гостинице;
– она увидела кошку под дождем и захотела ее забрать;
– пошла на улицу, но кошки уже не было;
– вернулась обратно;
– хозяин гостиницы прислал кошку.
А вот в подводной, скрытой части айсберга, как раз и заключено самое главное – чувства и переживания. Заполняется по мере анализа кроссенс.
1. Отчужденность и одиночество.
2. Бездомность.
3. Мечты о тепле и уюте.
4. Новая жизнь.
5. Невозможность перемен.
6. The symbols. The cat. (Slide 22.)
– This story is a prime example of the clean, lean writing style that he was developing in this period. Every word means something, every image is there for a reason, and each punctuation mark is important. This is a story that is not going to waste your time… and one that you’ll probably spend more time thinking about than reading. This story is efficient.
– Let’s try and analyze the symbol of the cat.
– When is it first mentioned and how do the cat’s descriptions change?
– Can you express your emotions while going through the whole story and the symbolic image of the cat?
Possible answers:
– the cat – the kitty – the cat) / (an adult – a child – an adult) / (isolation/frustration);
– the wife’s unhappiness, hopelessness.
7. Русский язык – Елена Игоревна Козлова.
Анализ названия рассказа.
– Какая ассоциация с кошкой? (Дом, уют, своеволие?)
– Описана ли кошка? Почему? Что она делает? (Пытается спастись от дождя. Кошка – символ женщины потерянного поколения. Дождь – грусть, тоска, неуютность, неудовлетворенность моментом.)
– Рассказ о кошке? Какое средство выразительности использовано? (Это метафора.) Чего? (Женщины и ее чувств.)
– Чтобы понять ее чувства, отношение к жизни, давайте проанализируем пространство и время в рассказе. С чего начинается рассказ? (Ответы.)
– Почему нельзя «выкинуть» первый абзац? (Он создает настроение, ощущение одиночества, пустоты, замершей жизни.)
– Что происходит со временем в рассказе? Почему? Что хотел эти показать Хемингуэй? (Ощущение этого усиливается и за счет созданного пространство). Где происходит действие? (В комнате.)
– Найдите, как автор подчеркивает, что это важный элемент пространства. (Повтор «их комната».)
– Муж всегда на кровати. Почему муж не встает с кровати? (Жена у окна. Хотя она пытается пространство разорвать, из­ме­нить: окно – лестница– вестибюль – улица – вестибюль – лестница – комната – окно.)
– О чем говорит замкнутое, закольцованное пространство? (Невозможно изменить жизнь.)
– Пространства мужа и жены не пересекаются. Но он пытается загнать ее в свое пространство. Докажите. Зачем? (Комфорт важнее. Его все устраивает. Иллюзия удавшейся жизни. Путешествующие американцы.)
8. The characters. The wife and the husband. (Slide 23.)
– How are the characters introduced? (Wife – no name, husband – George.)
– Can we actually visualize the characters through their descriptions? (No, but the dialogues help.)
– What emotions do you have when you think about their relationship? Justify from the text.
– Do you feel sorry for any of the characters? Give your grounds.
wife – frustrated, isolated, lonely, unhappy, sad, no freedom, materialistic, not faithful // childish, selfish, ignorant
husband – selfish, rude, inattentive, not caring, overcontrolling // educated, strong, ambitious
– NB: failed communication, desires, unfulfilled hopes and wishes.
– Internal or external happiness.
– American mentality.
9. The repetition. (Slide 24.)
– Stylistic device – Repetition is a literary device that repeats the same words or phrases a few times to make an idea clearer and more memorable.
– Let’s make a deeper analysis of this stylistic device using the iceberg – tip technique.
– There are several sentences on the screen and each group will be offered to make the cloud of the deeper meaning of each desire the American wife expresses.
10. The Rain and the cat. (Slide 25.)
– The clouds on the board and the discussion.
– Students write down their emotions and associations with the images illustrated by the repetition device activities.
11. Homework – writing a review. (Slide 26.)
– Write down the review following the review writing technique.
12. Beedback – quotes – feelings and emotions. (Slides 27 – 28.)
– Students read out the quotes and express their feelings ant thoughts.
13. Questions.
– What do you feel about the story now?
– Would you recommend it? Why?
The End.

Э.Э. Сафиуллина,
учитель английского языка гимназии №39 г. Уфы;
Е.И. Козлова,
учитель русского языка и литературы

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